May 9, 2005

Children & Abortion - You've Got To Be Kidding?

What am I missing? A 13-year old can't get an asprin from the school nurse or go on a class field trip without parental consent or even knowledge, but it is totally OK when we are talking about getting an abortion. Can someone tell me just what is wrong with this picture?

The girl had the audacity to ask the Judge, during a court appearance-"Why can't I make my own decision?" You're kidding? A 13-year old? There is no way this child possesses the requisite knowledge to make an informed decision about a dangerous and invasive surgical procedure let alone can she comprehend the physical and emotional ramifications this decision will have on her later in life.

As has been the case during any debate on moral issues, the problem lies with an activist judiciary, and in this case it is the Florida Supreme Court, who in their infinite wisdom, or lack thereof, struck down a law requiring parental notification for minors seeking an abortion. We just can't have parents stepping in and preventing a minor child from having an abortion. After all it may violate the child's constitutionaly protected right. Please excuse my sarcasm.

And may I ask, just what was Florida Governor Jeb Bush thinking when he decided not to appeal this decision any further? Wasn't this the same man who, almost two months ago, fought so hard to save Terri Schiavo?

In their book, entitled "Whatever Happened to the Human Race?" which was written in 1979, co-authors Dr. C. Everett Koop and Francis A. Schaeffer said: "The reason we are writing this book is that we feel strongly that we stand today on the edge of a great abyss."

I would take Koop and Schaeffer's quotation one step further, because I believe that America is now in a moral freefall!!!

1 comment:

Dan Colgan said...

ahhhhhhhh - Children have no rights under the constitution!!! Why is this society allowed to continue breathing - GOD Please strike down these ignorant obominations of your creation

Dave, I agree fully with everything in your article. Particularly liked the aspirin comparison....