Feb 14, 2008

An open letter to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and fellow conservatives

Fellow conservatives,

As have many of you, I have been struggling with the idea of putting any level of support behind a candidate who less than 6 months ago had aligned himself on the opposite side of key conservative issues namely immigration and taxes. John McCain is NO Conservative. No matter how you slice it he has not only danced to a different drummer, he has sent the band off stage and called on the accordion player to solo! Steadfast dedication to our principles cannot and should not be abandoned. Conservatives pulled the republican party out of mediocrity at a time when being a republican candidate was futile. It is not for our party that we vote, it is for the virtue and positions on which they stand.

That being said, there are a number of battles that we, our children, our grandchildren and our country cannot afford to lose. Handing the reigns of our republic to either of the democratic hopefuls would be a catastrophe. In business there is an old adage, "better the devil you know".

Casting himself as a conservative choice by any stretch of imagination is ludicrous. There were many others more believable who would could have carried that torch but that was yesterday and while no one should expect that conservatives will stand in the cold shouting John McCain's virtues to the masses, we cannot and should not forfeit the successes and advances that we've made over the past twenty years to misplaced animosity. In our grasp is a pro-life Supreme Court which will no doubt end the atrocity of abortion in our country, a congress ready to pass a constitutional amendment defining marriage and family values legislation, and with the successes of the surge in Iraq; a military which can see a potential win in the war on Islamic extremists on the horizon. There is too much to lose.

John McCain is no Ronald Reagan, of that there is no question and it is expected that we will have to keep a close eye on him and his penchant to cuddle with his buddy Teddy Kennedy and Senator Hillary Clinton but that is our role in government regardless of who is in office. By Not voting for (please note I did not say support) we risk everything conservatives have envisioned and that CANNOT happen. Staying away from the voting booth this November or harboring unrealistic hopes of a McCain "conversion" does nothing, except place a liberal democrat, hostile to abortion, family values and our soldiers, as our commander-in-chief.


David Bowie said...

Dan, I know you were hoping for a Romney/Huckabee collaboration which might have given conservatives a last gasp of hope with respect to this election. However, with Romney's endorsement of John "RINO" McCain, that hope is but an exercise in frustration and futility, because there is NO clear candidate for conservatives to support. For the first time in American election history we find ourselves not being confronted with choosing the lesser of two evils, because it's ALL EVIL. I'm just wondering just how BAD BAD is going to get. It's either Barack Hussein Obama--his name alone scares the hell out of me, Madame Hillary or RINO McCain---I think I'll move to Jamaica--LOL!!

David Bowie said...

Just another thought for what it's worth, but if Rush and Sean Hannity are supporting McCain, this severely damages their creditability and casts a serious cloud over their commitment to conservatism in this country. Your thoughts??

Dan Colgan said...

Everyone, I hope you know that I am very much against compromising your principles at ANY! time. This posting was more of a consolation than a encouragement. I am not supporting John McCain, nor am I supporting the common notion that we stay away from voting. That in itself defeats us as Americans. However we cannot under any circumstances let the Liberal democratic candidate (insert name here) become president. Even if that means propelling John McCain to the front to hold the banner of the republican party

David Bowie said...

I take little consolation in propelling John McCain into the White House, but I suppose a Republican is better than a Democrat on any given day of the week. However believing that McCain will take up the conservative banner, is in my belief, an unrealistic expectation.