Dec 23, 2008

Think about it

"Think about it."

He could have descended on a cloud into the crowded streets of Jerusalem for all the world to see.

He could have (a)rose through the ranks as a powerful military leader and overtaken the Roman empire ala King David but he aged in relative obscurity

He could have brought fire from the sky and brought his enemys to their knees on a single whim, yet he chose graciously and lovingly to succumb to the hatred and despise of human beings.

He chose to be born of a woman, a virgin in a small town, under the poorest of circumstances. Adopted not by the high and mighty kings of the day but by a poor carpenter.

He was obedient to his parents; even though he was God.

He was dutiful to his studies; even though he was all mighty

He was a best friend; even though his closest were the simplest of society

Its not about the presents, the tree, the shopping, the music, Santa, cookies or the parties; Let's remember what the 25th of December truly is - a celebration of a small child born on a cold night, in the middle of nowhere. Who was born for a purpose; to show us how to live and to die so that we may do so eternally. The true GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING.

1 comment:

David Bowie said...

AMEN, my good friend. And may your Christmas be Merry-Safe-and above all BLESSED!