Jun 17, 2009


Note: Received this from my Insurance Agent--Thought it was worth sharing.

At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it.Be sure to read all the way to the end! Just amazingTax his land,Tax his bed,Tax the tableAt which he's fed. Tax his tractor,Tax his mule,Teach him taxesAre the rule. Tax his work,Tax his pay,He works for peanutsAnyway! Tax his cow,Tax his goat,Tax his pants,Tax his coat. Tax his ties,Tax his shirt,Tax his work,Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,Tax him if heTries to think. Tax his cigars,Tax his beers,If he criesTax his tears. Tax his car,Tax his gas,Find other waysTo tax his ass. Tax all he hasThen let him knowThat you won't be doneTill he has no dough. When he screams andhollers,Then tax him more, Tax him tillHe's good and sore. Then tax his coffin,Tax his grave,Tax the sod inWhich he's laid. Put these wordsupon his tomb,'Taxes drove me to mydoom...'When he's gone,Do not relax,It's time to applyThe inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable TaxBuilding Permit TaxCD L license TaxCigarette TaxCorporate Income TaxDog License TaxExcise TaxesFederal Income TaxFederal UnemploymentTax (FUTA)Fishing License TaxFood License TaxFuel Permit TaxGasoline Tax (42 or morecents per gallon)Gross Receipts TaxHunting License TaxInheritance TaxInventory TaxIRS Interest Charges IRSPenalties (Tax on top ofTax)Liquor TaxLuxury TaxesMarriage License TaxMedicare TaxPersonal Property TaxPrivilege TaxProperty TaxReal Estate TaxService Charge TaxSocial Security TaxRoad Usage TaxSales TaxRecreational Vehicle TaxSchool Tax State Income TaxState unemploymentTax(SUTA)Telephone FederalExcise TaxTelephone Federal Universal Service Fee TaxTelephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge TaxesTelephone Minimum Usage Surcharge TaxTelephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges TaxTelephone State and Local TaxTelephone Usage Charge TaxUse TaxUtility TaxesVehicle License Registration TaxVehicle Sales TaxWatercraft Registration TaxWell Permit TaxWorkers Compensation Tax STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Image removed by sender.Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and ournation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largestmiddle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What in the hell happened? Can you spell'p o l i t i c i a n s !'? Image removed by sender.I hope this goes around THE USA at least 100times!!!!! YOU can help it get there!!!! GO AHEAD - - - BE AN AMERICAN !!!_____

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