Jul 29, 2009

Martial Law Disguised

Since 1807 the United States has had a standing order with Posse
Comitatus that no U.S. troops can be deployed within the United
States; nor used in policing it's citizens. George W. Bush showed his
contempt for our constitutional form of government by issuing a
signing statement that specifically stated he "does not feel bound by
it nor by this action" referring to Congress's 2008 reaffirmation of
the order.

Current President Barak O'bama is poised to take it one step further
and is preparing his "Minister of Defense" to act. Defense Secretary
Robert Gates prepares to sign an executive order authorizing the
military to set up five regional teams to deal with the potential
outbreak of H1N1 influzena if FEMA requests help.

This is the same H1N1 that this administration has been attempting to
insite hysteria about almost since it's inauguration but
unfortunately? it hasn't been anything more than a neusance to anyone
outside the parameters of the current flu strand which kills thousands
more every year.

Get ready... it's coming. King Barak.

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