Feb 11, 2008

Romney/Huckabee - Conservatives for America?

Mitt Romney claims he is exiting the race out of love and respect for our democracy and the Republican party. Mike Huckabee claims he's staying in the race out of his dedication to conservative values...

Seems to me that if each really and truly was doing so for those reasons that they would be considering a coalition of sorts. There is no legal,ethical or other regulation that says that a candidate who has won delegates to the Republican convention cannot relay them by proxy to another candidate.

Those who are resigned to a eventual John McCain nomination or even moreso those who are DREADING one, should be lobbying each camp to the possiblities of doing what is right for the conservative wing of the party and join their successes together against what will surely be a LIBERAL President regardless of which party wins the White House.

Romney and Huckabee, get together and truly do what is right for this country. Unite your delegates under one or the other and give America one last hope for its immediate future.


David Bowie said...

Sorry Dan, I just can't get on borad with Mitt Romney. If you saw the voters guide from the American Family Association, Romney's responses were somewhat mixed. For example, he opposes a Human Life Amendment, but said he supports the Marriage Amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, also he opposes a ban on assault weapons, he would not oppose laws that would force businesses to promote homosexuality, but said he would sign a pledge not to raise taxes. He would not refuse to support gay pride celebrations, but he says he opposes the immediate removal of our troops from Iraq. Finally, he would not oppose school curriculums that promote homosexuality. From my chair, this is too much of a flip-flop position on major conservative issues for my comfort. I might have been more inclined to support a Hunter/Huckabee or a Thompson/Huchabee colaboration. But that's one man's opinion.

Dan Colgan said...

Unfortunately Dave, neither of the combinations that you've mentioned have garnered ANY delegates so it would make a discussion mute.

UNDERSTAND. I hate this. I hate the fact that they have given a liberal the keys to the republican party but that is what has happened. Mark my words this guy is going to make Hillary look mainstream.

David Bowie said...

Dan, I HATE this as much as you do, and I fully understand that the combinations I suggested did not win any delegates, in fact I still wondering why Thompson even entered the race in the first place. I merely used them as possible combinations that I could have supported had their candidacy shown any momentum. What I find most compelling was the statement by Dr. James Dobson, that he would not vote if McCain is the nominee of the Republican Party. For my point of view, I will not forfeit my right to vote totally, however I may not vote for a Presidential candidate. Regardless of who is elected, this country is in serious trouble!