Apr 28, 2009

Specter... GOOD RIDDANCE you baffoon

Specter officially announced today what everyone in the world has
known for decades; his views (skewed as they may be) are more in line
with Democrats than republicans. "Republicans have moved far right
over the years" he said today in announcing the decision. Really
Arlen, or is it more likely that you have gotten more stupid with age
and can't recognize right from wrong any longer.

More likely you saw HUGE trouble for your political future this
primary season with Mr. Toomey. You can run Arlen but you will not be
able to hide!

1 comment:

David Bowie said...

You beat me to the punch on this one Dan. I was writing this posting in my head all through my shift at work. Anyway, you once told me that Specter should never be believed for anything he said, and now the truth of that statement is manifested with Specter's jumping to the Democratic party. If he thinks this will make a difference against Pat Toomey, I think he might be in for a surprise!