Dec 14, 2007

Letter re: Adams County Taxes up 16%

The evidence is overwhelming.

The idiocy and incompetence of our Federal and State officials has penetrated our county government as well; or maybe, just maybe; we can blame ourselves for breeding the next generation of money grabbers in our own backyard.

It seems as if the “Lott” of them can’t understand that no matter how much you wish for it, we’ve not mastered the ability to grow money on the beautiful apple trees of Adams County. Whatever happened to learning the lesson of sacrifice? In the case of the commissioners of Adams, that lesson isn’t necessary when you can steal it from your neighbors.

When you have a limited number of dollars you need to cut back, not spend, and you certainly don’t spend 4 million to reassess how make a million and one all the while spending over 10 million running a nursing home! Why is it that our county is in the nursing home business anyway? Where do I go to get my profit sharing check? Last I looked the nursing home business was raking it in.

It’s a knee-jerk reaction (emphasis on Jerk), costs go up, rip some more of their paychecks from them. That’s easier than making tough decisions isn’t it Mr. Snyder? Let’s try something new, let’s try tightening the belt not instigating new cost increasing measures what do you say Lisa? We’ve gone over 2 decades without the urgency of reassessing. Over that time the economy was booming, people’s property values were rising. Now that it appears property values are starting to come down drastically and you want to jump up and down and spend money to reassess? – Can you be any more obvious? Let us (the county government) not miss out on the boom and all that money we can have!

Here’s an idea. Adams County becomes the first county in Pennsylvania to figure out how to fund itself responsibly! – If we have to raise taxes 16 percent, something is dramatically wrong. One of the things we were taught in school was if you have more money going out than you have coming in then you better figure out what you can do without and get rid of them. Fat trimming 101.

The commissioners are right about one thing, it is the right time for a reassessment.... a reassessment of those we look to for leadership in Adams County.

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