Dec 13, 2007

O.B.E.--It's not what you think

OK how many of you thought the "E" in the title of this posting was Education? Surprise, you thought wrong!

In this case the "E" stands for Employment. But just a minute--there's no such program as Outcome Based Employment. I didn't think so either, until I had a conversation with my Pastor about the mind-set that exists in today's corporations and also with most of America's younger folks that are entering the job force.

The concept, outrageous as it sounds, goes something like this--reward me NOW for what I may accomplish on a particular job, not based on my performance and dependability as an employee.

Although there is really no actual program called Outcome Based Employment, the application is all but identical to that of Outcome Based Education. Advancement and salary potential are not performance driven, but are based upon the future accomplishments of an employee.

Ludicrous, you might say?? This is not the word I would choose. Assanine would be more like it.

Such a concept totally undermines such things as ambition, initiative, and the development of a positive work ethic.

I guess I'm too old fashioned, because I came up in a time when performance and dependability as an employee really mattered.

Guess what Corporate America--It still does. Get with the program!

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